Noise Detection System in The Classroom Using Sound Sensors and NodeMCU ESP6288

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Arif Ainur Rafiq
Sugeng Dwi Riyanto
Hera Susanti


The educational environment is the process of educational activities, so the
environment is expected to be comfortable and avoid noise. Noise can be
disturbing, such as the ringing of mobile phones or sounds produced by
humans. Sound noise in a room can cause loss of concentration, so that
indoor activities can be disrupted. Based on these problems, it is necessary to
have a tool used to detect the noise level of sound in the classroom.
Therefore, a noise detection system in the learning room uses a sound sensor
based on NodeMCU ESP8266, which can send email notifications and be
monitored through the application. The location of this research is
in a classroom. This tool consists of hardware (hardware) including
NodeMCU ESP8266, PIR Sensor, LCD 16x2 I2C, Sound Sensor, DF Player
Mini Mp3, Speaker, and Android application software. The working
principle is that if the decibel value exceeds the predetermined value, the
room user will hear a warning sound and send an informational text in the
form of an email notification. Based on tests on several parameters, testing
using the sound of a drilling machine obtained an error value of 8.7%. In
music sounds, an error value of 7.7%, and inhuman screaming sounds, an
error value of 8.1%. The tool has been successful in the test results and can
be implemented in the classroom.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rafiq, A. A., Riyanto, S. D., & Susanti, H. (2023). Noise Detection System in The Classroom Using Sound Sensors and NodeMCU ESP6288. Journal of Electronics Technology Exploration, 1(1), 1-14.


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