Journal of Gastro Tourism 2025-02-05T04:24:38+00:00 Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi, S.E., M.MPar., CHE. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The Journal of Gastro Tourism (JOGASTO)</strong> e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN Jogasto" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-3931</a> | p-ISSN: <a title="p-ISSN Jogasto" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-4350</a> is a journal that contains research material related to tourism, hospitality, hotel, management, gastronomy, culinary, food and beverage. Various viewpoints are loaded with support from the presentation of material from researchers. The development of gastronomy, hospitality and tourism is possible to get the benefits of the application in life, especially from the perspective of the community, educational, and economic institutions. The Journal of Gastro Tourism, published by SHM Publisher in collaboration with <a href="">Himpunan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Pariwisata Indonesia</a>, invites scholars to exchange science research papers related to the novelty in the field of tourism and disseminate them to the public. The JOGASTO publication period is carried out every six months, namely in<strong> February</strong> and <strong>August</strong>. But, authors can submit their work to JOGASTO at any time throughout the year, as the submission process is continuous. The Journal of Gastro Tourism has been indexed by <a title="Garuda Jogasto" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a>, <a style="color: blue;" title="Google Scholar JOGASTO" href=";user=F-Mzkg8AAAAJ">Google Scholar</a> , <a title="CrossRef Jogasto" href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a>, <a href="">Copernicus</a>, <a title="Dimensions - Jogasto" href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1453472" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a>, and <a title="BASE Jogasto" href=";lookfor=%22Journal+of+Gastro+Tourism%22" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BASE</a></p> Chocolate substitution with sweet soy sauce in making steamed brownies 2024-12-16T01:45:16+00:00 Luthfi Abdulla Fathoni Tia Listiaty <p>This study aims to find out how sensory Assessment and receipt of steamed brownies with the substitution of sweet soy sauce differ and how the cost of production differs. The background of this study is that it looks at the opportunity for the presence of sweet soy sauce to be abundant in the market, as well as the opportunity for the absence of steamed brownie products that use sweet soy sauce. The Number of participants in this study amounted to 15 lecturers and students from The International Prima Tourism Polytechnic. The sampling technique is based on Gay and Diehl's theory (1992), which states that in experimental research, at least 15 people are trained panelists who are lecturers who are experts in their fields and students who practice real work in pastry. The hedonic test was conducted on 30 untrained panelists. Data collection is done using questionnaires/questionnaires with an ordinal scale. The analytical methods used are descriptive sensory test analysis and hedonic test. Data analysis techniques group random design analysis techniques and variant analysis (ANOVA) using calculations through Microsoft Excel were used. The study's results based on sensory and hedonic tests showed that steamed brownie products coded B2K2 with an increase in the concentration of sweet soy sauce by 30% is the best formulation based on Color, taste, aroma, Texture, and appearance parameters. It also showed that the cost of producing steamed brownies that use sweet soy sauce was lower than that of steamed brownies control products.</p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Gastro Tourism Food and Beverage Product Efforts in Maintaining Food Quality in the Restaurant and Room Service of Hotel Chanti Semarang 2024-08-16T03:39:09+00:00 Adhinda Putri Meiroha Cindy Citya Dima <p>The research in this thesis is motivated by the increasing development of the hotel industry in Indonesia. Competition in the hotel industry is increasingly fierce due to the many new hotels that have emerged to date. So hotel management should have a mature strategy to be able to compete with new industries and major competing industries. The problem contained in this thesis is in how to maintain consistency in food quality and overcome it complaint guests about the quality of food at Chanti Hotel. The aim of this final assignment is to maintain food consistency and overcome problems complaint guests about food quality, in this research using a qualitative descriptive method based on the author's experience during On The Job Training and also based on previous research sources. The result of this final assignment is how to maintain consistency in food in a hotel, especially in restaurant and room service, and how to overcome a problem complaint guests about the quality of the food. The conclusion of this thesis is that in maintaining consistency in the quality of our food we must comply with standardized recipes.</p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Gastro Tourism Scale up business strategy through the development of the frozen food products industry at ubi manis restaurant linggarjati 2025-01-31T13:40:32+00:00 Ety Setiawati Ratna Puspita Dewi <p>The development of the restaurant business in 2024 is growing very rapidly, so that the competition in the restaurant business is becoming increasingly competitive. To anticipate a decline in revenue and business continuity, a strategy is needed to anticipate these conditions. Ubi Manis Restaurant wants to find other business alternatives, besides serving guests who come to the restaurant. Food products at Ubi Manis Restaurant have great potential to be developed into a small-scale frozen food industry. Bitter ballen is one of the snack products that has the potential to become frozen food. The research method used is qualitative with thematic analysis methods, to analyze data with the aim of identifying patterns, or to find themes through the data that has been collected. The result of the research that is expected through the frozen bitter ballen product development strategy is that the Ubi Manis restaurant will be able to expand the scale of business, especially in the Kuningan, Majalengka and Cirebon areas, so that the existence of the Ubi Manis restaurant can be sustainable.</p> 2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Gastro Tourism Account receivable strategy in handling receivables’ goods at the aruss hotel semarang 2025-01-31T14:36:16+00:00 Kintan Marisa Emik Rahayu <p>Hotel Aruss Semarang has various payment methods that can be used by its customers. The account receivable is responsible for all transactions that are not in the form of cash. After the event ends, the accounts receivable section will send an invoice that must be paid before the due date. However, there are invoices that are past due so they require an account receivable role. The Problem of the research is what strategies are carried out by the accounts receivable section in handling receivables and the obstacles faced in the receivables collection process. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to obtain reliable data, researchers carried out observation, interviews and documentation activities. The results of this research are that the accounts receivable section has a strategy such as reminding receivables that are past due three times, if they are still not paid, the accounts receivable section together with the relevant sales person will make a visit. If payment has not been made in accordance with hotel policy, the relevant sales party will pay the receivable. The obstacles experienced by the accounts receivable section in the receivables collection process are internal obstacles and external obstacles.</p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Gastro Tourism