of Health Management and Pharmacy Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration (JOHMPE)</strong> P-ISSN: <a title="p-ISSN Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-4814</a> | e-ISSN: <a title="e-ISSN Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2985-5543</a> is a journal that contains research material related to health management and pharmacy. Articles devoted to discussing any and all aspects of the most recent and noteworthy advancements in the fields of the development of health management science and pharmacy is possible to get the benefits of the application in life, especially from the perspective of the community, educational, and health institutions. The <strong>JOHMPE</strong> accepts manuscripts that are closely related to the health sector, including research articles, systematic reviews, and meta analyses. <strong>Submit your paper now through <a href="">Online submission</a> ONLY. </strong>Published every six months, in <strong>February</strong> and <strong>August</strong>. However, authors can submit their work to JOHMPE at any time throughout the year, as the submission process is continuous. The JOHMPE has been indexed by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar, </a></strong><strong><a title="Crossref Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a></strong>, <strong><a title="Copernicus Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Copernicus</a></strong>, <strong><a title="Dimensions - Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a></strong>, and <a title="BASE Johmpe" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>BASE</strong>.</a> The journal is a <strong>Gold Open Access</strong> journal, online readers don't have to pay any fee.</p> on the effectiveness of the utilization of binahong leaf extract (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) as an anti-aging cream2024-08-09T00:07:36+00:00Maria Theodora Pamudji Dwi<p>Binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) contain flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, alkaloids and steroids/terpenoids. Antioxidant compounds derived from flavonoid function as protection for the skin from direct exposure to sunlight. This research was conducted to determine the stability and physical quality characteristics of the binahong leaf extract cream preparation and the effectiveness of binahong leaf extract as an anti-aging agent. Binahong leaf powder was extracted using the maceration method using 96% ethanol solvent. Formulations of binahong leaf ethanol extract is based on a concentration ratio of 3% (F1), 5% (F2) and 10% (F3). The resulting cream is of the vanishing cream (O/A) type. The irritation test was carried out on the back of a rabbit test animal which had first been shaved. Testing the effectiveness of anti-aging cream on the skin was experimental, by inducing UV-A light using light from the Exoterra® daylight basking spot and followed by skin analysis of anti-aging parameters (moisture, skin elasticity and percentage (%) of collagen) using the Skin tool Analyzer EH-900U. Analysis used the paired t-Test, one way ANOVA and Tukey test methods to examine the comparative effectiveness of treatments F1, F2 and F3 as anti-aging creams. The results of the research show that the average stability and physical quality of all anti-aging cream preparations of binahong leaf extract (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) have good results and fall within the established standard requirements. The concentration of binahong leaf extract which has the greatest influence on anti-aging effectiveness of F3 (10%), has the best effect compared to other formulas which is characterized by an increase in the parameters of moisture is 19,05%, elasticity is 27,17% and percent (%) collagen is 20,77%.</p>2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration of chemical compounds of 70% ethanol extract of chinese betel leaves (Peperomia pellucida) from blora regency2024-08-05T02:12:18+00:00Gigih<p>Indonesia is rich in various plants, one of which is the Chinese Betel (Peperomia pellucida). This study aims to identify the chemical compounds of 70% ethanol extract from Chinese betel leaves in Blora Regency. The identification method is by laboratory observation with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The results of the TLC test with the highest or best values are saponins, tannins, triterpenoids which can be seen by looking at the difference between the high points of the stains on the sample and the comparator. The active content in saponins, tannins and triterpenoids functions as a source of antibacterials, increasing the immune system. Flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory content (anti-inflammatory on the skin), as antioxidants and as histamine. Saponins as antibacterials with a mechanism that reacts with porins (transmembrane proteins) on the outer membrane of the bacterial cell wall, forming strong polymer bonds that damage the porins and can inhibit the growth of antibacterials.</p>2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration relationship between mother's knowledge and the incidence of stunting in toddlers in polindes, mundar village, south labuan amas district, hulu sungai tengah regency in 20242024-07-18T03:35:59+00:00Isti QomahM.riopratamahutomo@gmail.comMisna Tazkiahm.riopratamahutomo@gmail.comRizka<p>Stunting is stunted growth caused by a lack of nutritional intake due to a diet that does not meet long-term needs. South Kalimantan Province is in the top 3 provinces with the highest reduction in stunting (-5.4%) in 2022 based on the SSGI results released by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Initially in 2021 stunting in South Kalimantan reached 30.0% and in 2022 it decreased by 24.6%. With a figure of 24.6%, reducing stunting is still a priority for South Kalimantan to achieve the target of 14% in 2024. Based on data from the Hulu Sungai Tengah district health service in 2020, the figure was 10%, experiencing a decrease in 2021 with a figure of 9.44%, and in in 2022 there will be an increase of 31.10%. This research is analytical research. With a Cross Sectional approach. The research results showed that the majority of mothers had sufficient knowledge and 21 children were not stunted (33.9%), 9 children were stunted (14.5%), and there was insufficient knowledge with the incidence of stunted children being 13 people (21.0%). and there were 2 children (3.2%) who were not stunted, while there were 0 people (0%) with good knowledge and stunted babies, and 17 people (27.4%) who were not stunted. Based on the results of the chi square test, it was found that there was a relationship between maternal knowledge and the incidence of stunting at the Mundar Village Polindes with a P value = 0.000. It is recommended that the Mundar Village Polindes, South Labuan Amas District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency further increase health education activities related to health and education for mothers with babies and toddlers about preventing stunting through improving child nutrition.</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration of phenolic total ethanol extract of 70% and 96% carrot leaves and antibacterial activity test against Staphylococcus aureus2024-08-05T04:35:44+00:00Jihan Najla Lathifahwulwul001@gmail.comWulandari<p><span class="s36">Carrots (Daucus carota L.) are a plant that is widely used by the community, especially the tubers, while the leaves are not widely used and are only used as waste or animal feed. Carrot leaves contain secondary metabolites such as phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, and steroids. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolite compounds that are most abundant in nature. This compound can be used in the pharmaceutical world as an alternative treatment from natural ingredients, one of which is as an antibacterial. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria can cause skin infections such as boils. If it enters the bloodstream, it can cause meningitis or lung infections. This study aims to determine the total phenolic content in carrot leaves extracted with 70% and 96% ethanol solvents and to determine their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Carrot leaf extract is obtained by the maceration method. Total phenolic content was calculated using the Follin-</span><span class="s36">Ciocalteau</span><span class="s36"> method. The antibacterial activity test was carried out using an excellent method. The research results showed that the yield of 70% ethanol extract was 17.235% and 96% ethanol extract was 16.053%. The results of testing the phenolic content of 70% ethanol extract of carrot leaves were 44.586 </span><span class="s36">mgGAE</span><span class="s36">/g and the phenolic content of 96% ethanol extract was 34.939 </span><span class="s36">mgGAE</span><span class="s36">/g. The results of the antibacterial activity test of 70% ethanol extract of carrot leaves had an average measurement of the </span><span class="s36">inhibition</span><span class="s36"> zone at concentrations of 20%, 30% and 40%, namely 0.175 cm, 0.226 cm and 0.274 cm.</span></p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration activity test of papaya leaf extract (Carica papaya L.) against peptone-induced male white mice2024-07-26T10:23:36+00:00Marsyanda Happy Mayqhuelliajenahayu89@gmail.comJena Hayu<p>Fever increases body temperature above normal (98.6°F/ 37°C). To treat complaints of fever, antipyretic drugs are given. Papaya leaves are believed to have antipyretic effects. The purpose of this study was to test the antipyretic activity and effective dose of ethanol extract of papaya leaves (<em>Carica papaya</em> L.) against peptone-induced mice. The test animals were grouped into 5 groups consisting of group I (negative control) CMC Na 0.5%, group II (positive control) paracetamol drug 65 mg/KgBB mice, group III papaya leaf ethanol extract 140 mg/KgBW mice, group IV papaya leaf ethanol extract 280 mg/KgBW mice, and group V papaya leaf ethanol extract 560 mg/KgBW mice, with peptone fever inducer 10 mL/kgBW subcutaneously. The body temperature of the test animals was observed every 30 minutes for 240 minutes after peroral administration of the preparation, then obtained data on T0, Tdemam and body temperature measurements at each time. The data was then used to calculate the AUC and the average AUC calculation data was analyzed by Shapiro wilk test and One way Anova test. The results of the study of ethanol extract of papaya leaves have antipyretic effects, namely due to the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, steroids, and saponins. Papaya leaf ethanol extract has the most effective antipyretic activity, namely a dose of 560 mg/kg BW, which is comparable to the positive control of paracetamol.</p>2024-08-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Health Management and Pharmacy Exploration