Breast Cancer Diagnosis Utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Algorithm for Integrating Multi-Omics Data and Clinical Features

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Rofik Rofik
Fani Artiyani
Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi


Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases affecting women worldwide, with a significant impact on patient's health and quality of life. Despite advances in medical technology and research, breast cancer diagnosis remains a challenge due to its complexity involving various biological and clinical factors. Several previous studies have focused on detecting this disease with optimal accuracy, but the selection of appropriate algorithms and methods is key to achieving this goal. This study aims to improve the accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis by using the ANN algorithm and data balancing method, SMOTE. This research uses Multi-Omic data and Clinical Features obtained in general from Kaggle. The research process is carried out in several stages, namely Data Collection, Preprocessing, Oversampling, Modeling, and Evaluation. This research successfully obtained an increase in accuracy, which was able to achieve an accuracy of 99.30%.  This research shows that early detection of breast cancer with ANN algorithm and data balancing using SMOTE can improve accuracy performance in early detection of breast cancer. Given the use of data in this study is not too large, it is recommended for further research to use a larger dataset to validate the strength of the model that has been built on more varied data.

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How to Cite
Rofik, R., Artiyani, F., & Pertiwi, D. A. A. (2024). Breast Cancer Diagnosis Utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Algorithm for Integrating Multi-Omics Data and Clinical Features . Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 2(2).


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