Digit and Mark Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network for Voting Digitization in Indonesia

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Mandasari Mandasari
Bagus Al Qohar


Digitization of voting results in Indonesia is essential to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the election process. This research introduces an innovative approach that uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for handwritten number recognition and tally mark recognition. This research uses a dataset obtained from Kaggle. The research process is conducted in several stages, namely Data Collection, Preprocessing, Data Sharing, Modelling, and Evaluation. The results showed that the proposed model achieved an accuracy of 98%. This research shows that using the CNN algorithm for handwritten number recognition and tally mark recognition can improve accuracy and efficiency in digitizing voting results. It is expected that this research can make a significant contribution to the development of a more reliable digital voting system. Future research is recommended to use a larger dataset to validate the strength of the model, which has been built on more varied data.

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How to Cite
Mandasari, M., & Al Qohar, B. (2024). Digit and Mark Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network for Voting Digitization in Indonesia. Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.52465/joiser.v2i2.365


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