The Asthma Classification Using an Adaptive Boosting Model with SVM-SMOTE Sampling
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Asthma is a disease that affects the human respiratory tract, characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the respiratory tract such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. The causes of asthma can come from genetics, lifestyle, and a bad environment. Diagnosis made to asthma patients is very influential on the severity and treatment carried out. However, the diagnosis process may not be able to precisely determine asthma patients because the diagnosis is influenced by the classification of asthma based on the symptoms that appear. Therefore, this study proposes an asthma disease classification model that is optimized using a sampling method to balance the data. The proposed classification model uses the Adaptive Boosting algorithm with a sampling technique using SVM-SMOTE to help balance the data. The results obtained from the experiment achieved an accuracy of 98.60%. This result shows that the proposed model is more accurate and optimal in performing classification when compared to previous research.
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