Application of the KNN method to check soil compatibility using a microcontroller for android-based banyuwangi citrus fruit plants

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Solehatin Solehatin
Hadiq Hadiq
Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi


The city of Banyuwangi needs a touch of information technology in the agricultural sector, namely in the process of planting orange fruit, because orange fruit planting is carried out continuously to meet export needs. Citrus fruit planting is sometimes carried out without paying attention to the existing soil nutrient content, this condition can result in less than optimal harvest results. The research was carried out by creating a soil nutrient detection application with the aim of providing information to farmers about the soil nutrient content including nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, pH and moisture resistance before planting citrus fruit. From the results of trials conducted by researchers with farmers based on various types of soil used as trial data, the information shows a match of 89.6%. The results of the research produced an Android-based soil nutrient checking application that farmers can use to check soil nutrients when planting citrus fruit. In conducting the research, the researcher created an application by applying the KNN method and utilizing a microcontroller to input the data. By combining methods and tools, microcontrollers can assist the implementation process so as to provide information in the form of soil suitability for planting citrus fruit based on the nutrient content of the soil being examined. The contribution made from the research results is the application of a KNN method which is used to check soil nutrients so that it can maximize the results of the detection carried out. Meanwhile, another contribution is the use of a tool in the form of a microcontroller which is used to automatically input data which can be obtained using the Bluetooth service in the soil nutrient check application.


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S. Solehatin, H. Hadiq, and D. A. A. Pertiwi, “Application of the KNN method to check soil compatibility using a microcontroller for android-based banyuwangi citrus fruit plants”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 123 - 132, Sep. 2023.


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