Comparison of KNN, naive bayes, and decision tree methods in predicting the accuracy of classification of immunotherapy dataset

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Nadhifa Reska
Khansa Tsabita


Health is crucial for humans to carry out daily activities, and cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Maintaining health is essential in minimizing factors associated with cancer. Immunotherapy is a new cancer treatment technique that has s shown a bigger success rate compared with conventional techniques. However, the effectiveness of this method depends on accurate diagnosis, which requires deeper analysis and research on classification methods. This study compares the accuracy of KNN, Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree classification methods in predicting the accuracy of immunotherapy treatment. The goal is to find the most effective classification techniques that can provide more accurate predictive results in treating diseases using immunotherapy. Based on the test results of Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and K-Nearest Neighbor, the result obtained of accuracy rates are 81.11%, 80.00%, and 74.44%. From the accuracy comparison, it is known that the Naive Bayes algorithm is the most effective algorithm with the highest accuracy value of 81.11%.

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