Classification of travel class with k-nearest neighbors algorithm using rapidminer
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he tourism industry in Indonesia plays an important role in the national economy. The selection of travel class according to the needs and budget of tourists is an important aspect in the tourism industry. This research aims to develop a travel class classification model using dummy datasets and the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm with RapidMiner software. The travel class dummy data set was obtained from the internet and modified according to research needs. The KNN algorithm was used to classify new travel classes based on previously classified dummy data. These dummy data were preprocessed and analyzed using RapidMiner software. The performance of the KNN model was evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The results showed that the KNN algorithm with the values k = 1-2, k = 3-6, k = 8-10, k = 11-14 and k = 15 resulted in accuracy of 35.71%, 39.29%, 48.26%, 46.43% and 50.00%, respectively. This shows that the KNN algorithm with a value of k=15 produces the highest accuracy that can be effectively used to classify new travel classes based on dummy data.
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