The influence of service quality, product quality, and product price on consumer satisfaction at teras malioboro 1 yogyakarta

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Erna Wigati
Endro Isnugroho
Endang Widayati
David Ramadhan Putra Haryanto
Henny Kustini


This research aims to determine the effect of service quality, product quality, and product price on consumer satisfaction at Teras Malioboro 1 Yogyakarta. Teras Malioboro 1 Yogyakarta is located on Jalan Margo Mulyo, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta City. This study uses primary data with a questionnaire method where the number of respondents is 100 respondents selected using purposive sampling technique with a quantitative approach carried out using multiple linear regression analysis with normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, determination coefficient test (R²), t-Test, and f-Test. The results of the tests carried out indicate that service quality has a significant effect (α = 5%), product quality does not have a significant effect (α = 5%) and product price has a significant effect (α= 5%) on consumer satisfaction at Teras Malioboro 1 Yogyakarta with a significant (α = 5%). With the percentage obtained from the determination coefficient test is 80.2% and proven by the researcher's observation with the existence of good service quality, product quality, and product prices in a purchase, it will create satisfaction for its consumers and play an important role in forming consumer satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Wigati, E., Isnugroho, E., Widayati, E., Haryanto, D. R. P., & Kustini, H. (2024). The influence of service quality, product quality, and product price on consumer satisfaction at teras malioboro 1 yogyakarta. Journal of Gastro Tourism, 2(2), 107-115.


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