The Effect of Modern Strategy Implementation on Smart Infrastructure on Increasing Employee Performance at University in Indonesia

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Erika Noor Dianti
Oktaria Gina Khoirunnisa
Sayyidah Rohmatul Hidayah


The design of strategies to increase the potential benefits of an organization is very important for renewal by implementing modern strategies. Smart infrastructure is a digital system that functions to improve performance, welfare, and increase cost efficiency and resource consumption. Previous research shows a significant increase in smart infrastructure which is influenced by the ability of the community. This study aims to analyze the success of implementing a renewal strategy for Smart Infrastructure for employees at university which we can assess from the performance of the university employees. Primary data was collected through questionnaires with a sample of 40 respondents which was then processed quantitatively by ANOVA test and LSD test using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that the percentage rate accepted was 78%, so that the implementation of a smart infrastructure system could increase employee productivity in university.

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How to Cite
Noor Dianti, E., Khoirunnisa, O. G., & Hidayah, S. R. (2022). The Effect of Modern Strategy Implementation on Smart Infrastructure on Increasing Employee Performance at University in Indonesia. Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 1(1), 25 - 38.


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