This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable. This issue has been available online since 9th December 2022 for the regular issue of January 2023. All articles in this issue (original research article) were authored/co-authored by 15 authors from 6 countries (Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Greece, India, and Tanzania).



Published: 2022-12-09

Techniques of Applied Machine Learning Being Utilized for the Purpose of Selecting and Placing Human Resources within the Public Sector

Panagiota Pampouktsi, Spyridon Avdimiotis, Manolis Maragoudakis, Markos Avlonitis, Nikita Samantha, Praveen Hoogar, George Mugambage Ruhago, Wcyliffe Rono

1 - 16

Abstract viewed = 959 times
Abstract viewed = 1008 times
Abstract viewed = 260 times

Utilization of Business Intelligence in Sales Information Systems

Alya Aulia Nurdin, Gading Nur Salmi, Kevin Sentosa, Annisa Rachma Wijayanti, Ananda Prasetya

39 - 48

Abstract viewed = 1984 times
Abstract viewed = 660 times