Inception ResNet v2 for Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Ultrasound Images

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Tiara Lailatul Nikmah
Risma Moulidya Syafei
Devi Nurul Anisa
Elmo Juanara
Zohri Mahrus


Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Early detection through breast ultrasound images is important and can be improved using machine learning models, which are more accurate and faster than manual methods. Previous research has shown that the use of the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) algorithm in breast cancer detection still does not achieve high accuracy. This study aims to improve the accuracy of breast cancer detection using the Inception ResNet v2 transfer learning method and data augmentation. The data is divided into training, validation and testing data consisting of 3 classes, namely Benign, Malignant and Normal. The augmentation process includes rotation, zoom, and rescale. The model trained using CNN and Inception ResNet v2 showed good performance by producing the highest accuracy of 89.72% in the training data evaluation data and getting 90% accuracy in the prediction test stage with data testing. This study shows that the combination of data augmentation and the Inception ResNet v2 architecture can improve the accuracy of breast cancer detection in CNN models.

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How to Cite
Nikmah, T. L., Syafei, R. M., Anisa, D. N. ., Juanara, E., & Mahrus, Z. (2024). Inception ResNet v2 for Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Ultrasound Images. Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 2(2).


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