Techniques of Applied Machine Learning Being Utilized for the Purpose of Selecting and Placing Human Resources within the Public Sector

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Panagiota Pampouktsi
Spyridon Avdimiotis
Manolis Maragoudakis
Markos Avlonitis
Nikita Samantha
Praveen Hoogar
George Mugambage Ruhago
Wcyliffe Rono


In strategic human resource management, one of the most critical issues to focus on is the correct selection and placement of people. Within the confines of this framework, the reason for the study that was conducted was to explore the machine learning approaches that proved to be the most effective in assisting with the recruitment of personnel and the assessment of their positions. To accomplish this goal, a in a series of tests involving workers in the public sector, categorization algorithms were used. The purpose of these tests was to determine which employees would be the ideal fit in which workstations and to determine how workers should be distributed. For supporting the decision support system, an algorithm model was created. Used in the process of recruiting and evaluating potential workers based on the results of the tests that were given. The most important results of this study support the idea that using the People's Evaluation for Recruitment and Promotion Algorithm Model (EERPAM) would make hiring and promoting people in a company fairer.

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How to Cite
Pampouktsi, P., Avdimiotis, S., Maragoudakis, M. ., Avlonitis, M. ., Samantha, N. ., Hoogar, . P. ., Ruhago, G. M. ., & Rono, W. (2022). Techniques of Applied Machine Learning Being Utilized for the Purpose of Selecting and Placing Human Resources within the Public Sector. Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 1(1), 1 - 16.
Author Biography

Praveen Hoogar, University of Karnatak Dharwad, India

Head of department


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