Application design for web-based car services to increase work time estimates

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Shinta Febriyanti
Solehatin Solehatin


The aim of this research is to increase the estimated service process time by creating an online-based car service ordering application at the Sinar Jaya repair shop and introducing information about Sinar Jaya car service services to the wider public. In this information systems research, the author of this research software development method uses the waterfall model development method. By implementing a waterfall, the research stages carried out by researchers start from data analysis, system analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. Creating a website-based car service ordering application at the Sinar Jaya Workshop can help customers find out the information available at the Sinar Jaya Workshop and the car service ordering process. Before there was an application, customers had to come to the location to place an order, so it took a long time to arrive at the location. So, with the online booking application, you can save time in the service process and get a queue number online. The data processing process for ordering car services becomes more practical so that it can be processed properly by the admin.

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