This issue has been available online since 2 September 2023 for the regular issue of January 2024. All articles in this issue (an original research article) were authored/co-authored by 17 authors from 1 country (Indonesia) and still open for submissions.


Published: 2023-09-04

Abstract viewed = 491 times
Abstract viewed = 133 times

Detection and prediction of rice plant diseases using convolutional neural network (CNN) method

Reyhan Dzaki Sheva Pahlawanto, Halimah Salsabila, Kusuma Ratna Pratiwi


Abstract viewed = 510 times

Impact of product design and sales promotion on eiger customer loyalty

Yuniar Rahma Adisti, Dina Lusianti, Faridhatun Faidah


Abstract viewed = 119 times

Impact of sales promotion and product quality on zoya customer purchase interest

Rina Amalia Putri Rina, Dina Lusianti, Faridhatun Faidah


Abstract viewed = 157 times
Abstract viewed = 492 times