Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Machine Learning Process: A Review

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Shofi Afif Hanafi
Hisyam Bin Abdul Rahman
Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi
Much Aziz Muslim


The abstraction of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication and control system that translated human mind thoughts into real-world interaction without any use of neural pathways and muscles. BCI is used as a tool to help person that suffered from impairment to be able do their daily activities independently. In general, BCI process its signal through several process such as pre-processing, and classification. However, providing information of pre-processing and classification process is barely found. Therefore, in this review paper we present the various pre-processing and classification methods that used in the BCI system application.


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How to Cite
Hanafi, S. A., Abdul Rahman, H. B., Pertiwi, D. A. A., & Muslim, M. A. (2023). Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Machine Learning Process: A Review. Journal of Electronics Technology Exploration, 1(1), 29-35.


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