The Influence of Determining the K-Value on Improving the Diabetes Classification Model using the K-NN Algorithm

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Nanda Putri Korina
Budi Prasetiyo
Ade Anggian Hakim
M Rivaldi Ali Septian


Diabetes mellitus is still an important health problem globally, so it requires an efficient classification model to help determine a patient's diagnosis. This study aims to determine the K-value on the accuracy performance of the diabetes classification model using the K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) algorithm. This research utilizes a simulated dataset generated through interaction with ChatGPT, we investigate various K-values ​​in the K-NN model and assess its accuracy using a confusion matrix. Based on experiments, we found that the K-NN classification model with a K=6 obtained an optimal accuracy of 97.62%. Thus, our findings highlight the important role of selecting optimal K-values ​​in improving the performance of diabetes classification models.

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How to Cite
Korina, N. P., Prasetiyo, B., Hakim, A. A., & Septian, M. R. A. (2024). The Influence of Determining the K-Value on Improving the Diabetes Classification Model using the K-NN Algorithm. Journal of Information System Exploration and Research, 2(2).


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