This issue is in progress but contains final and fully citable articles. This issue has been available online since 20th November 2023 for the regular issue of January 2024. All articles in this issue (an original research article) were authored/co-authored by 19 authors from 5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, and Saudi Arabia).



Published: 2023-11-20

The Effect of Digitalization on Business Performance in the MSME Industry Context

Fadhil Umar, M. Rivaldi Ali Septian, Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi
Abstract viewed = 834 times

The Optimization of Credit Scoring Model Using Stacking Ensemble Learning and Oversampling Techniques

Rofik Rofik, Reza Aulia, Khalimah Musaadah, Salma Shafira Fatya Ardyani, Ade Anggian Hakim
Abstract viewed = 896 times

Service Level Agreement Enforcement Model with Human Factor for Electronic Health Record

Amir Mohamed Talib Mohamed, Rodziah Atan, Abdulaziz Alshammari, Abdulaziz Alsahli, Mohammad Nasrollah Rozami
Abstract viewed = 322 times
Abstract viewed = 1427 times
Abstract viewed = 624 times