Narrative literature review: Efficiency enhancement - user trust in chatbots as a tool for improving service quality by humans
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Chatbots have become efficient and reliable tools for instant and real-time information dissemination. Despite their effectiveness, user trust in chatbot systems remains relatively low. A holistic approach is necessary, integrating user emotional experiences, trust-building strategies, and continuous technological refinement to maximize chatbot benefits across various sectors. This research explores the potential for selective information dissemination based on user preferences using chatbots combined with artificial intelligence. Through a narrative approach, the study reviews literature and analyzes eight articles related to chatbots' application in information dissemination. The results indicate that chatbots are efficient in providing information and can be customized for various needs, such as population services, reminder notifications, and book processing. Chatbots have the potential to enhance services and can be integrated into information systems to improve service quality. However, challenges such as reliance on high-quality data and machine learning, difficulties in understanding non-formal language or slang, and limitations in handling complex questions need to be addressed for chatbots to reach their full potential.
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