Flood early warning system at Jakarta dam using internet of things (IoT)-based real-time fishbone method to support industrial revolution 4.0

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Muhammad Rizqi Al Farabi
Andini Sintawati


This research aims to develop an effective flood early warning system to provide timely information to the public and support the government in disaster management. The Raspberry Pi mini-computer functions as the central control, collecting data from the Water Level Sensor to measure water height, the Ultrasonic Sensor for further monitoring, the DHT11 Sensor to monitor temperature and humidity, and a Buzzer as an audible warning device. The research method involves review of the literature and data acquisition from related journals. These data are utilized to design an Internet of Things (IoT)-based flood detection tool with the Raspberry Pi minicomputer as the main controller. The system can be implemented in vulnerable locations such as reservoirs, sluice gates, and rivers, as part of the Smart City and Smart Environment concepts. The test results indicate that the developed early warning system, integrating the Raspberry Pi minicomputer, the Water Level Sensor, the the Ultrasonic Sensor DHT11 Sensor, and Buzzer, approaches perfection. Real-time information is transmitted through the Twitter social media platform, which is shown to be more effective than manual notifications. The system can provide accurate early warnings, reduce flood-related damages, and positively contribute to flood prevention and disaster management efforts. This research is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the community and government preparedness for future flood disasters.


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M. R. A. Farabi and A. . Sintawati, “Flood early warning system at Jakarta dam using internet of things (IoT)-based real-time fishbone method to support industrial revolution 4.0”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 99-106, May 2024.


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