Support Vector Machine (SVM) Optimization Using Grid Search and Unigram to Improve E-Commerce Review Accuracy
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Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is distributing, buying, selling, and marketing goods and services over electronic systems such as the Internet, television, websites, and other computer networks. E-commerce platforms such as and offer products with various price and quality. Sentiment analysis used to understand the product’s popularity based on customers’ reviews. There are some approaches in sentiment analysis including machine learning. The part of machine learning that focuses on text processing called text mining. One of the techniques in text mining is classification and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the frequently used algorithms to perform classification. Feature and parameter selection in SVM significantly affecting the classification accuracy. In this study, we chose unigram as the feature extraction and grid search as parameter optimization to improve SVM classification accuracy. Two customer review datasets with different language are used which is Amazon reviews that written in English and Lazada reviews in the Indonesian language. 10-folds cross validation and confusion matrix are used to evaluating the experiment results. The experiment results show that applying unigram and grid search on SVM algorithm can improve Amazon review accuracy by 26,4% and Lazada reviews by 4,26%.
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