Website based classification of karo uis types in north sumatra using convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm

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Boy Hendrawan Purba
Hermawan Syahputra
Said Iskandar Al Idrus
Insan Taufik


Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world. It has abundant cultural diversity including nature, tribes. One of the tribes in Indonesia is the Batak Karo tribe. Batak Karo is a tribe that inhabits the Karo plateau area, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Batak Karo has various cultures, one of which is a traditional cloth known as uis. Unfortunately, the Karo Batak community, especially the younger generation, has insufficient knowledge of the types of uis. Thus, a solution that is easily accessible both in terms of time, cost and experts in recognizing Uis is needed. This research aims to build a website-based application that can classify the types of Karo Uis. This research uses Convolution neural network (CNN) using Alex Net architecture, to get the best model this research compares several hyper parameters, namely learning rate of 10-1 to 10-4, and data division with a ratio of 70:30 and 80:20. The best model falls on a ratio of 70:30 and a learning rate of 10-4 with an accuracy of 98%, and a validation accuracy of 99%, then the model is stored in h5 format in this study successfully builds and implements the model into a web-based application.


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B. H. Purba, H. Syahputra, S. I. A. Idrus, and I. Taufik, “Website based classification of karo uis types in north sumatra using convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 391 - 399, Dec. 2024.


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