Prediction of PTIK students' study success in the first year using the c4.5 algorithm
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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the success of student studies in the first year through data mining research using the C4.5 algorithm. This research is a type of quantitative research. This research uses student data of a study program as much as 85 data which will be processed using the Weka application. The data obtained will then be processed using the C4.5 data mining method to produce a decision tree containing rules to predict the success of student studies in the first year. The best result using percentage-split 80% obtained an accuracy of 82.35% as well as the rules contained in the decision tree. The most important factor in determining the success of studies in first-year students is the selection of college entrance pathways. Other factors that become other determinants are education before college, intensity of communication with friends, class year, intensity of off-campus organizations, and plans to change study programs.
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