Improved playstore review sentiment classification accuracy with stacking ensemble

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Dwi Budi Santoso
Aliyatul Munna
Dewi Handayani Untari Ningsih


In today's digital era, user reviews on the Playstore platform are an invaluable source of information for developers, offering insights that are critical for service improvement. Previous research has explored the application of stacking ensemble methods, such as in the context of predicting depression among university students, to enhance prediction accuracy. However, these studies often do not explicitly detail the data acquisition process, leaving a gap in understanding the applicability of these methods to different domains. This research aims to bridge this gap by applying the stacking ensemble approach to improve the accuracy of sentiment classification in Playstore reviews, with a clear exposition of the data collection method. Utilizing Logistic Regression as the meta classifier, this methodology is executed in several stages. Initially, data was collected from user reviews of online loan applications on Google Playstore, ensuring transparency in the data acquisition process. The data is then classified using three basic models: Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and SVM. The outputs of these models serve as inputs to the Logistic Regression meta model. A comparison of each base model output with the meta model was subsequently carried out. The test results on the Playstore review dataset demonstrated an increase in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score compared to using a single model, achieving an accuracy of 87.05%, which surpasses Random Forest (85.6%), Naive Bayes (85.55%), and SVM (86.5%). This indicates the effectiveness of the stacking ensemble method in providing deeper and more accurate insights into user sentiment, overcoming the limitations of single models and previous research by explicitly addressing data acquisition methods.


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D. B. Santoso, A. Munna, and D. H. Untari Ningsih, “Improved playstore review sentiment classification accuracy with stacking ensemble”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 38-45, Mar. 2024.


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