Activity-based function point complexity of use case diagrams for software effort estimation
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This study proposes a Function Point Analysis (FPA) based software development effort estimation methodology integrated with Use Case Diagrams. These methods include identifying actor activities, classifying those activities into FPA categories, and calculating Unadjusted Function Points (UFP). Followed by the calculation of Technical Complexity Factors (TCF) and Adjusted Function Points (AFP), this study aims to produce more accurate man-hours estimates. Results show a UFP of 162 TCF of 11, AFP of 123.12, and an estimated effort of 1846.8 hours worked, while the actual effort is 1228 hours. Evaluation of estimates using the metrics Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMER) 0.34, Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) 0.50, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 618.80, Mean Balanced Relative Error (MBRE) 0.50, Mean Inverse Balanced Relative Error (MIBRE) 0.34, and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) 618.80, showed sufficient precision despite the overestimation. The study suggests the need for adjustments in TCF calculations and considering development environment factors in more detail to improve estimation accuracy. These findings are essential in improving the precision of effort estimation methodologies in software development, particularly in projects that use Use Case Diagrams as the primary framework.
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