A sentiment analysis of madura island tourism news using C4.5 algorithm

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Vina Angelina Savitri
Moh. Sa’id
Husni Husni
Arif Muntasa


Over the past few years, the tourism sector has experienced significant growth in its contribution. The tourism potential on Madura Island is widespread across four regencies, namely Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep. This potential can be harnessed to support the local government's economy and the communities in the surrounding areas. This research aims to analyze the sentiment of Madura tourism news from online sources using the Decision Tree (C4.5) method. The data used in this study consist of 100 Madura tourism news articles collected from online news portals, which will be classified using the Decision Tree (C4.5) method. The test results show that this method has an average accuracy rate of 76.5% in 10 tests. The average accuracy results demonstrate that the use of the Decision Tree (C4.5) method in this research yields a sufficiently high accuracy level in the sentiment analysis of tourism news.


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V. A. Savitri, M. Sa’id, H. Husni, and A. Muntasa, “A sentiment analysis of madura island tourism news using C4.5 algorithm”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 9-17, Mar. 2024.


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