Accuracy of classification poisonous or edible of mushroom using naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbors

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Roni Hamonangan
Meidika Bagus Saputro
Cecep Bagus Surya Dinata Karta Atmaja


Mushrooms are plants that are widely consumed by the general public, but not all mushrooms can be consumed directly, because the types of mushrooms are feasible and it is still too difficult to distinguish, then there are several ways to identify fungi, namely by means of morphology. The morphology referred to in this paper is the morphology of fungi which includes color, habitat, class, and others. We got the morphology of this mushroom from a datasets we get from UCI Machine Learning with the 23 atribut that we use in the program. In determining the classification of this fungus we use the Naive Bayes algorithm which produces an accuracy of around 90,2% which we then improve again so that it reaches 100% accuracy using the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. Furthermore, in this case to prove accuracy  that we had before, we use calculation accuracy with confusion matrix to show it the accuracy of classification poisonous or edible mushroom.


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R. Hamonangan, M. B. Saputro, and C. B. S. D. K. Atmaja, “Accuracy of classification poisonous or edible of mushroom using naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbors”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 53-60, Mar. 2021.


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