This issue has been available online since Sept 30th, 2020 for the regular issue of March 2021. All articles in this issue (9 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 23 authors from 2 countries (Indonesia and Malaysia).


Published: 2021-03-31

Analysis of twitter sentiment in COVID-19 era using fuzzy logic method

Devi Ajeng Efrilianda, Erika Noor Dianti, Oktaria Gina Khoirunnisa


Abstract viewed = 722 times
Abstract viewed = 298 times

The forecasting of palm oil based on fuzzy time series-two factor

Ratri Wulandari, Bayu Surarso, Bambang Irawanto, Farikhin Farikhin


Abstract viewed = 302 times
Abstract viewed = 604 times
Abstract viewed = 287 times

Improved logistics service quality for goods quality delivery services of companies using analytical hierarchy process

Popy Riliandini, Erika Noor Dianti, Sayidah Rohmatul Hidayah, Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi


Abstract viewed = 784 times
Abstract viewed = 328 times

Comparation analysis of naïve bayes and decision tree C4.5 for caesarean section prediction

I Gusti Ayu Suciningsih, Muhammad Arif Hidayat, Renita Arianti Hapsari


Abstract viewed = 315 times

Accuracy of classification poisonous or edible of mushroom using naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbors

Roni Hamonangan, Meidika Bagus Saputro, Cecep Bagus Surya Dinata Karta Atmaja


Abstract viewed = 755 times