A text security evaluation based on advanced encryption standard algorithm

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Aristides Bima
Candra Irawan
Deddy Award Widya Laksana
Andi Danang Krismawan
Folasade Olubusola Isinkaye


This research approach analysis and examines a number of advanced encryption standard (AES) performance factors, including as encryption and decryption speed, processing resource, consumption, and resilience, to cryptanalysis attacks. The study’s findings demonstrate that AES is successful in providing high-level data security, particularly when used in the CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) operating mode. Performance is dependent on the length of the key that is utilized. Increasing the level of security through the use of longer keys may result in an increase in the amount of time needed for encryption. The experimental results show that the highest results from the data are as follows the length of the encryption time is 0.00005317 seconds, the length of the decryption time is 0.00000882 seconds, the results of BER and CER are 0, the results of entropy are 7.44237, and the results of avalanche influence are 54.86%.


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A. Bima, C. Irawan, D. A. W. Laksana, A. D. Krismawan, and F. O. Isinkaye, “A text security evaluation based on advanced encryption standard algorithm”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 250-261, Dec. 2023.


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