This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable. This issue has been available online since July 11th, 2024 for the regular issue of September 2024. All articles in this issue (10 original research article) were authored/co-authored by 44 authors from 2 countries (Indonesia, and Malaysia).



Published: 2024-07-11

Abstract viewed = 214 times
Abstract viewed = 244 times

Design of ANFIS system to detect the condition of generator set model P22-6 based on Omron CJ1M PLC

Nanda Putri Rahmawati, Ryan Yudha Adhitya, Hendro Agus Widodo, Afif Zuhri Afianto, Agus Khumaidi, Ratna Budiawati, Fitri Hardiyanti, Mochamad Yusuf Santoso


Abstract viewed = 87 times

Real-time detection of indonesian sign language (ISL) gestures based on long short-term memory

Christy Atika Sari, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Zidan Saifullah, Cahaya Jatmoko, Daurat Sinaga


Abstract viewed = 378 times
Abstract viewed = 68 times

Adaptive deep learning based on FaceNet convolutional neural network for facial expression recognition

Maulana Malik Ibrahim Al-Ghiffary, Nur Ryan Dwi Cahyo, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Candra Irawan, Novi Hendriyanto

271 - 280

Abstract viewed = 226 times

Sentiment based-emotion classification using bidirectional long short term-memory (Bi-LSTM)

Putri Utami, Maylinna Rahayu Ningsih, Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi, Jumanto Unjung


Abstract viewed = 264 times

Improving car price prediction performance using stacking ensemble learning based on ann and random forest

Yulizchia Malica Pinkan Tanga, Robert Panca R. Simanjuntak, Rofik Rofik, Much Aziz Muslim


Abstract viewed = 173 times

Gabor wavelet and multiclass support vector machine for braille image classification

Feri Agustina, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Ni Kadek Devi Adnyaswari Putri, Fakhri Rasyid Saputro, Heru Lestiawan, Suprayogi Suprayogi, Solichul Huda


Abstract viewed = 98 times

Implementation of text summarization on indonesian scientific articles using textrank algorithm with TF-IDF web-based

Jeremia Jordan Sihombing, Arnita Arnita, Said Iskandar Al Idrus, Debi Yandra Niska


Abstract viewed = 118 times