An optimum hyperparameters of restnet-50 for orchid classification based on convolutional neural network

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Nukat Alvian Ideastari
Christy Atika Sari
Edi Faisal
Zaenal Arifin
Andi Danang Krismawan
Muslih Muslih


There are many types of orchids in Indonesia, such as Phalaenopsis Amabilis (Moon Orchid), Cattleya, etc. Because the shape and color of each orchid flower looks the same, a system is needed that can classify orchid flowers. In this research, we will use a system using a Convolutional Neural Network with ResNet50 architecture to classify orchid species. There are 4 types of orchids that will be used, namely Moon Orchids, xDoritaenopsis Orchids, Cattleya Orchids, and Coelogyne Pandurata Orchids (1000 datasets for each type). The aim of this research is to implement deep learning using the Convolutional Neural Network method combined with the ResNet50 architecture and identifying the types of orchid flowers and calculating accuracy when identifying orchid flower types. This research uses 4000 orchid image datasets, with a data split of 80:20 so that 800 images are used as training data and 200 as test data. ResNet50 uses a confusion matrix evaluation, namely Accuracy, Precision, Recall, Specificity and F1-score with epochs 10, 20, 30, 40. From the research that has been carried out, it produces the highest accuracy on Test Data with the 30th epoch, reaching 98.87%. and the lowest accuracy on Test Data with the 10th epochs which produces an accuracy of 97.75%.


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N. Alvian Ideastari, C. Atika Sari, E. Faisal, Z. Arifin, A. Danang Krismawan, and M. Muslih, “An optimum hyperparameters of restnet-50 for orchid classification based on convolutional neural network”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 55-66, Mar. 2024.


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