Classification of water quality based on dissolved solids and turbidity parameters with the utilization of total dissolved solids sensor and turbidity sensor

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Elmi Hidayana
Edy Setiawan
Anda Iviana Juniani


Clean water quality is essential for public health, but its scarcity is increasing amid population growth and industrialization. Monitoring turbidity and total dissolved solids (TDS) is essential to determine the quality of clean water. This study addresses the urgent need for accurate and reliable water quality monitoring to test the applicability of TDS and turbidity sensors in taking measurements, aiming to develop efficient monitoring solutions for public health and sustainable water management. The TDS sensor operates according to the principle of electrical conductivity, with a range of 0 to 1000 ppm and an accuracy of ±10%. The turbidity sensor detects water turbidity by determining the level of turbidity particles. The ESP32 microcontroller integrates Wi-Fi and USB capabilities. The hardware and software design ensures accurate sensor readings, which are critical to successful water quality measurement and monitoring. The test results show satisfactory accuracy of the TDS sensor with an average error of 0.09% and good accuracy of the turbidity sensor with an average error of about 1.536%. Concerning the above two parameters, in this study, among 15 water samples, seven were clean, meeting the standard, while eight water samples were dirty, exceeding the limit, making them unsafe for human consumption.


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E. Hidayana, E. Setiawan, and A. I. Juniani, “Classification of water quality based on dissolved solids and turbidity parameters with the utilization of total dissolved solids sensor and turbidity sensor”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 231-239, Jul. 2024.


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