Implementation of integrated temperature, humidity, and dust monitoring system on building electrical panel

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Agus Khumaidi
Muhammad Khoirul Hasin
Anggarjuna Puncak Pujiputra
Sholahuddin Muhammad Irsyad
Noorman Rinanto
Isa Rachman
Perdinan Setia Budi
Alfianto Taufiqul Malik
Nurissabiqoh Binta Bayu


This research aims to develop and implement an electrical power monitoring system at the Sub Sub Distribution Panel (SSDP) in the Building. The system is designed to monitor power usage in real-time, provide accurate information on energy consumption, and detect potential energy waste. The methodology used includes hardware and software design. The hardware consists of current and voltage sensors connected to a microcontroller. The data collected by the sensors is then transmitted via Wi-Fi network to the server for analysis. The software uses an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that displays the data in the form of graphs and tables. The implementation shows that the system is capable of monitoring power usage with a high degree of accuracy. The sensors used, namely PM2100 for voltage, SHT20 for temperature and humidity, and GP2Y101AU0F for dust concentration, proved effective in generating accurate real-time data. Based on the test results, the voltage measurement error with the PM2100 was only 0.035%, while the current measurement resulted in an error of 0.48%. The SHT20 sensor recorded an error of 2.4% for temperature and 1.0% for humidity. Dust measurements with the GP2Y101AU0F sensor had a very small error of 0.02%. These results indicate that the tested device has a sufficient level of precision for electrical power and environmental monitoring applications.


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How to Cite
A. Khumaidi, “Implementation of integrated temperature, humidity, and dust monitoring system on building electrical panel”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 342-352, Dec. 2024.


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