Current trend in control of artificial intelligence for health robotic manipulator
Main Article Content
The increasing utilization of artificial intelligence and robots in various services in healthcare makes robots as preferred intelligent agent model. Robotic evolution produces the optimal robotic innovation in the robotic system or its subsystems, morphology, kinematics, and control. An intelligent algorithm is programmed into the control of the robotic manipulator. This paper aims to identify the control of artificial intelligence and identify comparisons of artificial intelligence algorithms control for healthcare robotic manipulators. This study uses a systematic literature review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA). The potential for further articles is explored related to the theme of the research carried out. The conclusion obtained many studies have been carried out to optimize the work and tasks of the robotic arm manipulator, specifically developing various types of manipulator control (algorithms) combined with neural networks to get the right and appropriate algorithm.
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