This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable. This issue has been available online since 4th December 2022 for the regular issue of March 2023. All articles in this issue (7 original research article) were authored/co-authored by 30 authors from 8 countries (Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Taiwan, China, and India).




Published: 2022-12-04

Current trend in control of artificial intelligence for health robotic manipulator

Iswanto Suwarno, Abdullah Cakan, Nia Maharani Raharja, Muhammad Ahmad Baballe, Magdi S. Mahmoud


Abstract viewed = 1383 times

Mix histogram and gray level co-occurrence matrix to improve glaucoma prediction machine learning

Jumanto Jumanto, Faizal Widya Nugraha, Agus Harjoko, Much Aziz Muslim, Noralhuda N. Alabid


Abstract viewed = 694 times

cARica: enhancing travelling experiences in wonosobo through location-based mobile augmented reality

Dhanar Intan Surya Saputra, Lilis Murjiatiningsih, Hellik Hermawan, Sitaresmi Wahyu Handani, Andik Wijanarko


Abstract viewed = 398 times

Augmented reality development using multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) method in learning media

Solehatin Solehatin, Sulaibatul Aslamiyah; Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi, Kevin Santosa


Abstract viewed = 1299 times
Abstract viewed = 460 times

An expert system on diagnosis of mental diseases

Somay Jain, Mukul Aggarwal, Yash Singhal, Apri Dwi Lestari


Abstract viewed = 782 times

Developed an expert system for analysis of covid-19 affected

Shashank Mishra, Shivam Yadav, Mukul Aggarwal, Yashika Sharma, Rini Muzayanah


Abstract viewed = 458 times