cARica: enhancing travelling experiences in wonosobo through location-based mobile augmented reality
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Wonosobo, as a Regency in Central Java Province, Indonesia, has attractions including the Dieng Plateau Theater Kalianget, and Menjer Lake. The research is intended to provide more experience for tourists who visit the tour through Location-Based Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR), an application we developed, cARica. This application includes experience travelling in Wonosobo and is aware of other information displayed through AR content. It was an alternative medium for tourism promotion to be easy, attractive, and inexpensive. It is a practical guide to attract tourists to visit tourist sites. In its development, we use the prototyping method so that each stage is carried out under the procedures that have been prepared. To get the point of Interest (PoI) points of tourist sites, use Global Positioning System (GPS) data taken through Google Maps to get the Latitude and Longitude of each object. The results of this study present that cARica is a Location-Based Mobile Augmented Reality service platform that can be accessed using an Android smartphone and has three-dimensional animated character content with the Wonosobo regency icon. cARica is a form of innovation in providing exceptional services and experiences for tourists and has the potential to be continuously developed.
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