IoT-based implementation of rickshaws for real-time monitoring and measuring the weight of cattle
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In the era of modern agriculture that is increasingly dependent on technology, livestock management has become crucial to increasing efficiency and productivity. An important aspect in livestock management is providing appropriate feed to fattening cattle. Manual monitoring of feed weight is often complex and prone to errors, which can have a significant impact on operational efficiency and result in losses. Accuracy in monitoring feed weight is the key to maintaining optimal health and growth of cattle. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is emerging as an innovative solution to overcome these challenges. The use of Angkong load cells, a tool connected to IoT, allows automatic monitoring of feed weight with a high level of precision. The test results show an error rate close to zero, with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of around 0.158%, making the Angkong load cell a reliable tool. With this capability, farmers can monitor cow feed weight in real-time with minimal error rates. This not only increases the operational efficiency of the farm but also optimizes the health and growth of livestock more efficiently, having a positive impact on overall farm productivity. The aim of this research is to monitor the amount of feed given to cows with an adequate level of accuracy. Rickshaw load cells can be well suited for this use due to their ability to handle relatively large weights with fairly good accuracy, but do not necessarily have the level of precision required in laboratory measurements or the pharmaceutical industry.
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