Application of pest detection on vegetable crops using the cnn algorithm as a smart farm innovation to realize food security in the 4.0 era

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Apri Dwi Lestari
Nur Afan syarifudin
Yopi Julia Nurriski


Pests and diseases are one of the factors that become obstacles in the cultivation of vegetables because they can cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of production. The more varied types of pests have different impacts on crops, so if farmers incorrectly identify the class of pests, the treatment will be ineffective. Therefore, we need a technology that can classify the types of pests on vegetable crops to maintain the quality and quality of the product as well as the abundant harvest. The classification model of pests on vegetables using the deep learning method using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm with a high level of accuracy is the solution to this problem. The application of artificial intelligence in the agricultural sector also supports smart agriculture in Indonesia. Based on the research that has been carried out, the application of pest classification on vegetable crops made by applying the CNN model using the Inception V3 - k-fold cross-validation method has a test accuracy rate of 99%, meaning that the application can perform pest classification correctly.


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A. D. Lestari, Nur Afan syarifudin, and Yopi Julia Nurriski, “Application of pest detection on vegetable crops using the cnn algorithm as a smart farm innovation to realize food security in the 4.0 era”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 111 - 116, Sep. 2022.


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