Business process modeling at steak restaurant using business process model and notation
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The complexity of business processes occurring today makes the company try to find ways to describe its business processes. Business processes are not only an operational standard but also become one of the determining factors for the smooth use of time and costs in a business unit to be more efficient. With good business processes, it makes the flow of information faster so that it can help in making the best decisions in the organization. The business process modeling that will be explained further in this study is the order and procurement business process at steak restaurant using the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) approach. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with the aim of observing the business unit to help analyze and make improvements to its business processes. Several series of processes were carried out, namely business identification and modeling with bizagi modeler and process reengineering to produce recommended new business process models that could be beneficial for business units, namely the recommended automation in the form of the use of mobile applications, remote, and database systems to support the effectiveness of the order to cash and procure to pay processes.
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