This issue has been available online since 30th march 2021 for the regular issue of march 2022. All articles in this issue (13 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by  27 authors from  2 countries (Indonesia, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia).



Published: 2021-09-07

Abstract viewed = 312 times
Abstract viewed = 415 times
Abstract viewed = 549 times
Abstract viewed = 499 times
Abstract viewed = 511 times

Improvement business process model and notation on the drink distribution industries using six core element

Oktaria Khoirunnisa, Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi, Erika Noor Dianti, Ahmad Maulana Malik Fattah, Kholiq Budiman


Abstract viewed = 506 times
Abstract viewed = 932 times
Abstract viewed = 501 times
Abstract viewed = 613 times
Abstract viewed = 547 times

Implementation of fuzzy tsukamoto in employee performance assessment

Meilina Taffana Dewi, Untsa Zaaidatunni'mah, M. Faris Al Hakim, Jumanto Jumanto


Abstract viewed = 489 times
Abstract viewed = 1650 times

Room occupancy classification using multilayer perceptron

Dandi Indra Wijaya, Muhammad Kahfi Aulia, Jumanto Jumanto, M. Faris Al Hakim


Abstract viewed = 311 times