Air quality monitoring using multi node slave IoT

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Faisal Fajri Rahani
Haris Imam Karim Fathurrahman


Jakarta is the city with the second poorest air quality in the world. IQAir data show that Jakarta's air quality is 159. In addition, the concentration of air particles in Jakarta is 14.2 times higher than the annual guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the WHO, exposure to air pollution causes around 7 million premature deaths and millions of years of lost health time each year. Air pollution also stunts children's growth, impairs lung function, etc. Therefore, we need a system that can be used to combine air quality to determine how dangerous a place is with air quality. Knowing air quality, certain policies or actions being taken to overcome this danger. This research aims to build and test a prototype air quality monitoring system using multi-node slaves with the Internet of Things. The prototype development process was carried out by adapting the architectural framework of the air quality monitoring system with the Internet of Things. The testing of prototype results is carried out to sound sensor values and functional success. The results of the test show that the system can run well according to the design made. The DSM501A sensor device functions to detect particles of a size larger than one micrometer, which usually include cigarette smoke, house dust, ticks, spores, pollen, and mildew, and works well so that the controller can read the surrounding air conditions well.


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F. F. Rahani and H. I. K. Fathurrahman, “Air quality monitoring using multi node slave IoT”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 46-54, Mar. 2024.


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