Mix histogram and gray level co-occurrence matrix to improve glaucoma prediction machine learning

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Jumanto Jumanto
Faizal Widya Nugraha
Agus Harjoko
Much Aziz Muslim
Noralhuda N. Alabid


Glaucoma is an eye disease that is the second leading cause of blindness. Examination of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist is usually done by observing the retinal image directly. Observations from one doctor to another may differ, depending on their educational background, experience, and psychological condition. Therefore, a glaucoma detection system based on digital image processing is needed. The detection or classification of glaucoma with digital image processing is strongly influenced by the feature extraction method, feature selection, and the type of features used. Many researchers have carried out various kinds of feature extraction for glaucoma detection systems whose accuracy needs to be improved. In general, there are two groups of features, namely morphological features and non-morphological features (image-based features). In this study, it is proposed to detect glaucoma using texture features, namely the GLCM feature extraction method, histograms, and the combined GLCM-histogram extraction method. The GLCM method uses 5 features and the Histogram uses 6 features. To distinguish between glaucoma and non-glaucoma eyes, the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network model serves as a classifier. The data used in this study consisted of 136 fundus images (66 normal images and 70 images affected by glaucoma). The performance obtained with this approach is an accuracy of 93.4%, a sensitivity of 86.6%, and a specificity of 100%.


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J. Jumanto, F. W. . Nugraha, A. Harjoko, M. A. Muslim, and N. N. Alabid, “Mix histogram and gray level co-occurrence matrix to improve glaucoma prediction machine learning”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 13-22, Jan. 2023.


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