Optimization of breast cancer classification using feature selection on neural network

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Jumanto Jumanto
M Fadil Mardiansyah
Rizka Nur Pratama
M. Faris Al Hakim
Bibek Rawat


Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death worldwide. One of the most common cancers, especially among women, is breast cancer. There is a major problem for cancer experts in accurately predicting the survival of cancer patients. The presence of machine learning to further study it has attracted a lot of attention in the hope of obtaining accurate results, but its modeling methods and predictive performance remain controversial. Some Methods of machine learning that are widely used to overcome this case of breast cancer prediction are Backpropagation. Backpropagation has an advantage over other Neural Networks, namely Backpropagation using supervised training. The weakness of Backpropagation is that it handles classification with high-dimensional datasets so that the accuracy is low. This study aims to build a classification system for detecting breasts using the Backpropagation method, by adding a method of forward selection for feature selection from the many features that exist in the breast cancer dataset, because not all features can be used in the classification process. The results of combining the Backpropagation method and the method of forward selection can increase the detection accuracy of breast cancer patients by 98.3%.


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J. Jumanto, M. F. Mardiansyah, R. N. . Pratama, M. F. A. . Hakim, and B. Rawat, “Optimization of breast cancer classification using feature selection on neural network”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 105 - 110, Sep. 2022.


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