Optimization of support vector machine using information gain and adaboost to improve accuracy of chronic kidney disease diagnosis
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Today's database is growing very rapidly, especially in the field of health. The data if not processed properly then it will be a pile of data that is not useful, so the need for data mining process to process the data. One method of data mining used to predict a decision in any case is classification, where in the classification method there is a support vector machine algorithm that can be used to diagnose chronic kidney disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of accuracy of the application of information gain and AdaBoost on the support vector machine algorithm in diagnosing chronic kidney disease. The use of information gain is to select the attributes that are not relevant while AdaBoost is used as an ensemble method commonly known as the method of classifier combination. In this study the data used are chronic kidney disease (CKD) dataset obtained from UCI repository of machine learning. The result of experiment using MATLAB applying information gain and AdaBoost on vector machine support algorithm with k-fold cross validation default k = 10 shows an accuracy increase of 0.50% with the exposure of the result as follows, the support vector machine algorithm has accuracy of 99.25 %, if by applying AdaBoost on the support vector machine has an accuracy of 99.50%, whereas if applying AdaBoost and information gain on the support vector machine has an accuracy of 99.75%.
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