Comparison of gridsearchcv and bayesian hyperparameter optimization in random forest algorithm for diabetes prediction

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Rini Muzayanah
Dwika Ananda Agustina Pertiwi
Muazam Ali
Much Aziz Muslim


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease whose complications have a significant impact on patients and the wider community. In its early stages, diabetes mellitus usually does not cause significant symptoms, but if it is detected too late and not handled properly, it can cause serious health problems. To overcome these problems, diabetes detection is one of the solutions used. In this research, diabetes detection was carried out using Random Forest with gridsearchcv and bayesian hyperparameter optimization. The research was carried out through the stages of study literature, model development using Kaggle Notebook, model testing, and results analysis. This study aims to compare GridSearchCV and Bayesian hyperparameter optimizations, then analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each optimization when applied to diabetes prediction using the Random Forest algorithm. From the research conducted, it was found that GridSearchCV and Bayesian hyperparameter optimization have their own advantages and disadvantages. The GridSearchCV hyperparameter excels in terms of accuracy of 0.74, although it takes longer for 338,416 seconds. On the other hand, Bayesian hyperparameter optimization has a lower accuracy rate than GridSearchCV optimization with a difference of 0.01, which is 0.73 and takes less time than GridSearchCV for 177,085 seconds.


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R. Muzayanah, D. A. A. Pertiwi, M. Ali, and M. A. Muslim, “Comparison of gridsearchcv and bayesian hyperparameter optimization in random forest algorithm for diabetes prediction”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 86-91, Apr. 2024.


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