Comparison of the suitability of the otsu method thresholding and multilevel thresholding for flower image segmentation

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Hadiq Hadiq
Solehatin Solehatin
Djuniharto Djuniharto
Much Aziz Muslim
Shahrul Nizam Salahudin


The digital representation of flowers, characterized by their vivid chromatic attributes, establishes them as viable candidates for deployment as input imagery within the object recognition paradigm. Within the context of object recognition, the imperative of a proficient image segmentation process is underscored, serving to effectively discern the object from its background and, consequently, optimizing the efficacy of the object recognition process. This research unfolds through a methodologically structured tripartite framework, encompassing the initial stage involving input imagery, the subsequent intermediate phase dedicated to image segmentation, and a conclusive stage centered on the quantitative evaluation of methodological outcomes. The second stage, focusing on image segmentation, employs the Otsu thresholding and multilevel thresholding methods. The subsequent third stage involves a thorough assessment of segmentation outcomes through the application of quantitative metrics, including Peak signal-to-oise ratio (PSNR) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Empirical investigations, incorporating a diverse array of floral input images, reveal a conspicuous inclination towards a specific segmentation methodology. Specifically, the Otsu Thresholding method emerges as the more judicious choice relative to multilevel Thresholding, demonstrating superior performance with a diminished RMSE value and an augmented PSNR value, substantiated by an average RMSE value. This research is propelled by the overarching objective of discerning the most optimal method for the segmentation of flower images, particularly in the face of diverse input images. Its significant contribution lies in providing nuanced insights into the discerning selection of segmentation methodologies, attuned to the variability inherent in diverse forms of input imagery, thereby culminating in optimized outcomes within the domain of flower image recognition. Where did these results come from? please show it in the sub-discussion.


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H. Hadiq, S. Solehatin, D. Djuniharto, M. A. . Muslim, and S. N. . Salahudin, “Comparison of the suitability of the otsu method thresholding and multilevel thresholding for flower image segmentation”, J. Soft Comput. Explor., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 242-249, Dec. 2023.


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